The Something Better Sessions: four evenings considering humanity’s pursuit of satisfaction, meaning, identity and hope, and discovering from the pages of the Bible how Jesus holds out the offer of something better

Something Better is an ideal pre-cursor to a course such as Christianity Explored, allowing people with no previous exposure to the Christian faith to begin to see how the Christian worldview makes sense of life in a way that nothing else does.

You can view the 2-part talks for the Sessions here, and download a sample of the Handbook. 

If you would like to run the Something Better Sessions in your church, please contact us to find out more. 





Key Information

The Sessions each follow a similar pattern, with a combination of short discussion questions, engaging visual media, a 2-part talk on the theme, a bible discussion, and a personal story.

Each Session stands on its own, and as such, people don’t have to attend every week (though it inevitably helps if they do)

The Sessions work best in a ‘common’ space – a coffee shop, a bar – anywhere that guests would be used to spending time chatting with a friend – you’re seeking to normalise talking about the Bible in an everyday environment.

Unlike other courses, no formal ‘leaders’ are required to run the evenings. People are not put into groups on arrival – the idea is that you sit with the person(s) you came with, and that makes up your discussion group. This means there is already pre-existing relational traction, allowing for deeper conversation early on – and also normalises the possibility of doing a follow-up 1:1 further down the track.

The Session can be run within 60mins if needed, though to allow for people to grab drinks at the start/good conversation, 90mins is a suggested run time.